Journal of Communication Inquiry
Thu, 30 Apr 1998 16:32:06 +0000
SAGE Publications is pleased to announce it will be the publisher of
Journal of Communication Inquiry from 1998.
The Journal of Communication Inquiry is a forward-thinking,
interdisciplinary forum that explores communication and mass
communication phenomena within cultural and historical perspectives.
Manuscript Submission Guidelines:
Now expanding its publication schedule from biannually to quarterly,
Journal of Communication Inquiry seeks original contributions. Maximum
length of papers is 7,000 words, including notes and references.
Manuscripts should have a detachable title page listing the author's
name, address and telephone number. The title - but not the
identification of the author - should also appear on the first page.
Other than the title page, the author's name should not appear
anywhere in the manuscript.
Manuscripts should be prepared following the 'B' style in The Chicago
Manual of Style, 14th Edition, with references and endnotes. Please
use full names of authors in references. The author is responsible for
making her or his work conform to style requirements. Manuscripts will
not be returned.
Authors whose manuscripts are accepted must submit 1) a clean copy of
the final version and 2) a copy of the file on a computer disk.
Please indicate the format and wordprocessing program used (such as
"IBM, WordPerfect" or "Macintosh, Microsoft Word"). Please submit
three (3) copies of your paper to:
Editor, Journal of Communication Inquiry
W-615 Seashore Hall
University of Iowa
Iowa City, IA 52242
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For more information about the journal or to subscribe please contact
In North, Central or South America:
Nancy Hale, SAGE Publications Inc., 2455 Teller Road, Thousand Oaks,
CA 91359, USA
Tel: 805 499 0721 / Fax: 805 499 0871 / email: [log in to unmask]
Elsewhere in world:
Bernie Folan, SAGE Publications Ltd., 6 Bonhill Street, London EC2A
Tel: +44 171 374 0645 ext. 2313 / Fax: +44 171 374 8741 / Email:
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Visit the journal's web page via SAGE Publications on the net
Screen-L is sponsored by the Telecommunication & Film Dept., the
University of Alabama.