New Book: The World of The Walking Dead
Mon, 4 Mar 2019 11:42:16 +0000
Colleagues may be interested in the publication of the following new book:
*The World of The Walking Dead*
*By Matthew Freeman*
Series: Imaginary World Series
An accessible introduction to the world of *The Walking Dead*, this book
looks across platforms and analytical frameworks to characterize the
fictional world of *The Walking Dead* and how its audiences make use of it.
From comics and television to social media, apps, and mobile games,
utilizing concepts derived from literary studies, media studies, history,
anthropology, philosophy and religious studies, Matthew Freeman examines
the functions and affordances of different digital platforms. In doing so,
he establishes a new transdisciplinary framework for analyzing imaginary
worlds across multiple media platforms, bolstering the critical arena of
world-building studies by providing a greater array of vocabulary,
concepts, and approaches.
*The World of The Walking Dead* is an engaging exploration of stories,
their platforms, and their reception, ideal for students and scholars of
world-building, film and television studies, new media, and everything
*Dr Matthew Freeman* is Reader in Multiplatform Media at Bath Spa
University, where he is Deputy Director of the Centre for Cultural and
Creative Industries and Co-Director of the Centre for Media Research. He is
the author/editor of *Transmedia Archaeology in Latin America* (2018), *The
Routledge Companion to Transmedia Studies* (2018), *Global Convergence
Cultures *(2018), *Historicising Transmedia Storytelling* (2016), *Industrial
Approaches to Media* (2016), and *Transmedia Archaeology* (2014).
*Table of Contents:*
Introduction: Beyond Literary and Media World-building
1. Comics and Television: Historiographical World-building
2. Augmented Television: Sociological World-building
3. Social Media: Religious World-building
4. Mobile Games: Philosophical World-building
Conclusion: Towards a Transdisciplinary World-building Framework
*Published by Routledge and available to buy at:*
*Dr Matthew Freeman, FHEA*
*Reader in Multiplatform Media*
*Unit of Assessment Leader, **Communication, Cultural and Media Studies*
*Deputy Director, The Centre for Cultural and Creative Industries
*Co-Director, The Centre for Media Research
*Film and Media Subject Lead**, SWW AHRC DTP <>*
T: +44 (0)1225 876708
The School of Creative Industries
Bath Spa University
Newton Park, Bath, BA2 9BN
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