Fulbright lectureAfrican Film and Literature
Fri, 19 Sep 2014 06:41:00 -0500
Fulbright Visiting Scholar
During the current academic year 2014-15, the English Department at Northern Illinois University is hosting a Fulbright Visiting Scholar whose expertise is in African film and literature. He is available (under the Fulbright Outreach Lecturing Fund: http://www.cies.org/program/outreach-lecturing-fund )at any interested academic venue.
Dr. Okaka Opio Dokotum is Associate Professor of Literature and Film at Kyambogo University in Kampala, Uganda. He specialises in literature-film adaptation theory with a major focus on the imaging of Africa in contemporary western novels and films as shaped by larger historical and epistemological forces. His doctoral research focused on Ousmane Sembene’s “engagé” literature and cinema with a focus on the literary adaptation of Xala. His post-doctoral research examines contemporary Hollywood representations of Africa and how they consolidate the myth of the “Dark Continent.” Dokotum’s current research project is “Re-Imaging African literary scholarship through film adaptations studies.” He investigates the artistic correspondence between African literature and film from their earlier liberation and cultural mandates to recent postmodernist approaches, in particular using the pedagogical significance of contemporary adaptation theories and scholarship to re-energize interest in literary studies on the African continent. Dokotum’s other research interest is Ugandan literature and trauma aesthetics in documentary films and music videos about Uganda. In addition to his research, Professor Okaka is a poet, dramatist, and filmmaker.
Inquires may be addressed to him at:
Dr. Dokotum Okaka
Department of English
Northern Illinois University
DeKalb, IL 60115
Email: [log in to unmask]
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