Re: The Hours, Far From Heaven?
Tue, 25 Oct 2005 12:34:44 -0400
Far From Heaven is Ali, Fear Eats the Soul and Imitation of Life, no?
Christina Sharpe
Christina Sharpe
Associate Professor
Department of English
Tufts University, Medford, MA 02155
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Office: 617.627.23
On Oct 25, 2005, at 11:55 AM, Andrew Lesk wrote:
> Christina
> As you likely know, The Hours is Hayes's interpretation of
> Fassbinder's Ali:
> Fear Eats the Soul, who interprets Sirk's All that Heaven Allows.
> Regarding the
> interplay of aesthetics, melodrama, kitsch and gender, try the
> following:
> Lucy Fisher's essay in Play It Again Sam: Retakes on Remakes,
> Horton, ed.
> Douglas Kellner's essay in Triangulated Visions, O'Sickey, ed.
> Robert Reimer's essay in Literature/Film Quarterly 24.3 (1996).
> Judith Butler's essay in Genders 9 (1990, Fall).
> Barbara Mennel's essay in One Hundred Years of Masochism, Finke, ed.
> Tina Harris's essay in Women's Studies in Communication 23.1 (2000).
> Mary Beth Haralovich's essay in Close Viewings, Lehman, ed.
> Barbara Klinger's classic Melodrama and Meaning. Look at the biblio.
> This should be a good start.
> Dr Andrew Lesk
> Department of English
> University of Toronto
>>> I'm planning to teach an extended unit on films such as The
>>> Prizewinner of Defiance, Ohio, The Hours, and Far From Heaven. Does
>>> anyone have recommendations for articles or books that would be good
>>> companions for the study of gender and film in the 1950s (and
>>> somewhat specific to these films)?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Christina Lane
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