CFP: SCS (Neo-)Noir and Sexuality
Tue, 31 Aug 1999 13:19:02 -0700
Hi All,
I don't have the official blurb, but if you'd like to be a part of a panel
on neo-noir and sexuality at the next SCS conference, please e-mail an
abstract to Margaret Derosia at [log in to unmask] The offical
deadline is Sept. 1st. If you are interested but don't have a full
abstract, send a few sentences outlining your project to give her an idea
of what you'd like to do. We are hoping that this will be a really
interesting and engaging panel.
You can find the full text of the CFP on the SCS website, if you are
[log in to unmask]
If you can't be a good example,
then you'll just have to be a horrible warning.
--Catherine Aird
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