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November 2015, Week 4


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Richard McCulloch <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 27 Nov 2015 14:08:39 +0000
text/plain (88 lines)
With Apologies for Cross Posting:

Dear Colleagues,

I am writing to let you know about a research project that has been
launched today and to ask for your help!

My name is Dr. Richard McCulloch and I am Co-Director of 'The World Star
Wars Project.' Inspired by Martin Barker et al's 'Lord of the Rings' and
'World Hobbit' global studies, 'The World Star Wars Project' is a five-year
longitudinal/ latitudinal study with multiple phases.

The first phase is an online questionnaire that aims to capture audience
strategies of anticipation and expectation about the forthcoming film, *Star
Wars: The Force Awakens* (released on December 17th).

As yet, we have not secured funding for the project, so we would be
incredibly grateful if you could disseminate the link among your friends,
family, students, and anyone else you can think of. It doesn't matter if
you love Star Wars, hate it, or really don't care -- we simply want to hear
from as many people as we can!

The window of opportunity here is quite small. We have twenty days or so
until the release of the film, but wanted to open up a space for data
gathering when fever pitch was reaching a crescendo. Given that this is the
first Star Wars film in a decade, and the first Star Wars film since the
Lucasfilm/ Disney merger, this is a one-time opportunity, we believe, to
capture 'audiences in flight' on the cusp of the Star Wars Sequel Trilogy.

Here is the link to the website:

We will be providing more information about the project on the website and
will be asking researchers from around the world to join the project to
collaborate on the global research. In the meantime, if anyone requires
further information or would like to chat about collaboration or what have
you, then please contact Project Director William Proctor (
[log in to unmask]).

'We would be honoured if you would join us'

Best Wishes

*The World Star Wars Project team*

Dr. William Proctor (Bournemouth University)

Dr. Richard McCulloch (Regent's University London)

*Primary Research Group:*
Dr. Lucy Bennett (Cardiff University)
Dr. Bertha Chin (Swinburne University, Malaysia)
Dr. Ruth Deller (Sheffield Hallam University)
Bethan Jones (Aberystwyth University)
Dr. Lincoln Geraghty (University of Portsmouth)
Dr. Tom Phillips (University of East Anglia)
Dr. Sarah Ralph (University of Northumbria)
Dr. Jason Scott (University of Leeds Trinity)

*Executive Advisory Board:*
Professor Martin Barker (Aberystwyth University)
Professor Matt Hills (Aberystwyth University)
Professor Clarissa Smith (University of Sunderland)

*Dr. Richard McCulloch*
Lecturer in Film Studies
Humanities, Arts & Social Sciences
Regent's University London, Inner Circle, Regent's Park, London, NW1 4NS

Email: [log in to unmask]
Twitter: @rjmcculloch

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