Plastic surgery
Thu, 7 Sep 1995 03:33:00 EST
September 6, 1995
TV Guide for this week lists a film with Bela Lugosi, BLACK DRAGONS. Their
description: "A Nazi surgeon is commissioned to transform six Japanese into
the likeness of American businessmen." 1942.
There's another film from the war taking the opposite tack. A football hero,
and all-around all-American has plastic surgery to make himself look Japanese
in order to spy in (or around) Japan. With typical war-time self-sacrifice,
he gives up his girl with the remark that she could not stand to look at
someone who looked Japanese. Near the end he is recognized for the American
he really is because a Japanese recognizes his broken field running style.
If anyone can come up with the name of this picture, I would appreciate it.
Kendall D'Andrade [log in to unmask]
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