----------------------------Original message----------------------------
>----------------------------Original message----------------------------
>One of my pet theories, as a big dePalma fan, is that he has studies
>Hitchcock so closely that he can reproduce the Maestros scenes shot by
>shot. It is only Film Academics who see Hitch as a master and dePalma as
>a hack.
>Mikel Koven
Actually, DePalma has been pretty well respected by academics (such as
Robin Wood, who might be expected to react negatively) all along: film
reviewers seem to be his worst critics -- though as far as I recall only J.
Hoberman praised RAISING CAIN highly. My sense is that audiences now see
Hitchcock as "the master of suspense" (a phrase my students can repeat
without blinking an eye): academic critics now have a much more complex
view of him (remember feminism??).