Re: digital vs. film
Fri, 26 Sep 2003 14:20:49 -0500
Film critic Roger Ebert, who is fairly passionate in his defense of
celluloid, makes a compelling case against the dominance of digital
filmmaking in an article he wrote at . He favors
the MaxiVision film system and suggests that research should be done to
determine the differing effects of film and video on our "brain states."
He seems to think digital images don't stimulate us mentally in the way
that images on film do, and his argument makes you wonder.
Jonathan A. Cullum
Auburn University
303 Samford Hall
Auburn University, AL 36849-5110
voice: (334) 864-6194
fax: (334) 864-4844
>>> [log in to unmask] 9/25/03 4:37:59 PM >>>
I've noted some disparaging remarks here and there on the use of
digital filming. I was wondering if any of you could enlighten me about
the pros and cons of traditional film vs. digital film.
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