Bond, James Bond...
Tue, 25 Aug 1992 14:57:27 -0500
Howdy all,
I was wondering if anyone has heard anything about
whether or (well maybe not whether but) when the next
James Bond film is going to grace the screen? It has
been a while since "License to Kill" came out (3 years...
the longest gap between Bond films since the gap between
"A View to a Kill" and "The Living Daylights") and I'm
starting to go through withdrawl. Any guesses as to which
of the books may be made into movies? i.e. (most recently)
Win, Loose, or Die
The Man from Barbarossa
I also have a request for help in finding the name of a movie.
I am forwarding this description for a friend of mine.
> The movie I was talking about has "Night Court's" Dan Fielding and "Perfect
> Stranger's" Balky starring in a comedy about a Detective Agency called "Second
> Sight Detective Agency". "Balky" plays a psychic, while "Dan" is the
> detective.
> The movie was on HBO and at the theatres 1-2 years ago. I'd like to rent
> this movie if you can find out what the title is. Thanks!
Thanks for any help
|C| Clark Craig | "We will pass through the American patrols"... |C|
|U| Programmer/Analyst | "and lay off the largest city and listen to their |U|
|I| Concordia University | rock and roll"... "and when we are finished, the |I|
|S| Information Systems | only sound they will hear is our laughter." |S|
| | River Forest, IL. | | |
|C| Ph: (708) 209-3214 | "a great day comrades, we sail into history." |C|
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