Re: looking for films that employ a fascist aesthetic
Sun, 24 Feb 2002 10:06:20 -0600
This may be a little too artsy for your purposes, but have you thought about
using Zelig?
Thomas Deane Tucker
> From: "Andrew Albert J. Ty" <[log in to unmask]>
> Reply-To: Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
> Date: Sun, 24 Feb 2002 02:49:34 +0800
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Subject: looking for films that employ a fascist aesthetic
> Hi everyone,
> I'm devoting three screenings that illustrate the fascist aesthetic.
> Beginning with Triumph of the Will, my THIRD film will be Brazil (as an
> illustration of the way the carnivalesque is used to satirize the fascist
> aesthetic). I'm looking for a SECOND film that will show the influence of
> Triumph on mainstream cinema. Star Wars would be the obvious example, but
> I'd much rather show something else. I thought of Starship Troopers, but
> that's a little satirical already, and I was looking for something a little
> more straight-faced. Any thoughts, anyone?
> Thanks much,
> Andrew
> -----
> There is a picture by Paul Klee called Angelus Novus. In it an angel is
> depicted who appears as if trying to distance himself from something at
> which he is staring. His eyes and mouth gape wide, his wings are stressed to
> their limit. The Angel of History must look this way; he has turned to face
> tbe past. Where we see a constant chain of events, he sees only a single
> catastrophe incessantly piling ruin upon ruin and hurling them at his feet.
> He would probably like to stay, waken the dead, and correct the devastation;
> but a storm is blowing hard from Paradise, and - caught in his wings - it is
> so strong he can no longer close them. While the debris piles ever higher
> before his eyes the storm drives him without pause into tho future to which
> his back is turned. That which we call Progress is this storm. - Walter
> Benjamin
> ----
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