Re: PBS and NPR (Larry Jarvik)
Tue, 31 Jan 1995 12:01:20 CST
----------------------------Original message----------------------------
>----------------------------Original message----------------------------
>Again, Paul doesn't seem to be relating the matter to questions of film and
>television. I assume there are other political activism listserv's available
>for cheerleading and so forth. The fact is $285 million in tax dollars are
>being spent. Is this subsidy truly necessary?
>Larry Jarvik
>Center for the Study of Popular Culture
IMHO yes. The amount is peanuts compared to megawasteful projects, and,
warts and all, the cultural, artistic, entertaining returns to the public
are huge, whether you watch Nova or Jeeves and Wooster.
As to your other posting, I have no idea what Barneygate is. Perhaps you
might tell us. I suspect others whose children are grown up, or whose kids
get supervised TV-watching, may not know either.
Thanks in advance, also for the 1-800 reference.
Edwin Jahiel, Cinema Studies, University of Illinois
" Le mauvais gout mene au crime" (Stendhal)