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March 2003, Week 3


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Jesse Kalin <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 19 Mar 2003 16:06:00 -0500
text/plain (54 lines)
Resnais "Muriel" may fit your requirements, and it's listed as
available on VHS, though its more focused and filtered through one
individual.  Also Bergman's "Shame", though its form is fairly
conventional, or Peter Watkins's "War Game", again fairly conventional
in form (as a "fake" or "virtual" documentary of a nuclear attack on
England) (in Bergman's film the "enemy"/soldiers are almost never seen).

Jesse Kalin/Vasar College

On Tuesday, March 18, 2003, at 02:34  PM, Joshua Hirsch wrote:

> I'm looking for a film that fits ALL the following criteria:
> 1.  An anti-war film, particularly one that represents the effect of
> war on
> civilians.
> 2.  An art film, meaning non-traditional narrative, stylistic
> experimentation, or preferably both.
> 3.  Available on video.
> Feel free to reply to me directly.
> Why?  I'm teaching an intro film course, and am looking for a film to
> show
> in class next week to illustrate a reading: David Bordwell, "Art
> Cinema as a
> Mode of Film Practice."  With war against Iraq imminent, ideally I'd
> like to
> show something that will promote thinking about the human costs of
> war.  I
> guess I'm also looking for a way to express my outrage.
> The problem is, I suspect most films on this topic tend to be fairly
> classical in form.  I don't remember Forbidden Games well, but I
> suspect
> it's  pretty classical.
> Joshua Hirsch
> Lecturer in Film and Electronic Arts
> California State University, Long Beach
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