Re: film preservation
Thu, 24 Apr 2003 19:57:07 -0400
If at all possible, it would be great for him to attend the Orphan Film
Symposium at the University of South Carolina. The next one is about a
year from now, March 2004. The symposium is dedicated to the study,
preservation and use of orphan films and at it your student would be
able to talk to people (students and faculty) in preservation from
Selznick as well as the new NYU program
( Even if he can't attend, he
should definitely peruse the website which has a lot of good links and
-Susan Courtney
>>> [log in to unmask] 04/24/03 16:31 PM >>>
I have a very bright undergraduate student who is interested in pursuing
a career in film preservation/restoration. What is the best advice that
I can give him to help him achieve this goal?
Heather Addison
Western Michigan University
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