Phantom Menace Fetchit
Wed, 19 Apr 2000 08:00:35 -0400
A minor point on JarJarB. vs. Stepin Fetchit.
"The main criticism of Binks is his similarity to black actors such as Stepin Fetchit .... played comic relief mainly in "B" pictures..."
Stephin Fetchit was an A-list supporting player at Fox throughout the 1930s, working with top stars (Will Rogers, Shirley Temple, et al) and top directors (John Ford, Henry King, among others).
I recently saw some rare outtake footage of Stephin Fetchit addressing (in character) a women's club luncheon in Hollywood in 1934. The most interesting part is a quick moment when he is filmed out of character, waiting for his cue from the newsreel director.
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