Re: SCREEN-L Digest - 5 Apr 2000 to 6 Apr 2000 (#2000-86)
Fri, 7 Apr 2000 18:05:18 -0400
An earlier version of this message got bounced back; let's try again.
The New Neon Movies in Dayton, Ohio, has been showing Cinerama films for
the last three years or so in the 3-projector format. Three original
cinerama projectors sit in the movie theatre within specially constructed
wooden blimps--projecting films on a ribbon screen, each ribbon
individually hung. The physical beauty and clarity of the image itself is
rather startling--much more so than, say, a typical 70mm fillm; the sound
has been very special as well. Unfortunately, this weekend was scheduled
to be the last screening--though they may have extended to next weekend,
because of final demand. But many from all over the world have trekked to
Dayton overthe last few years to see these Cinerama films--including Quentin
Tarantino and Leonard Maltin, among others. Call the New Neon Movies at
222-SHOW or 222-8452 for information (Area Code 937).
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