Re: Good WW II Movies for Kids?
Wed, 28 May 2003 11:48:20 -0500
Frank Capra made an excellent documentary series in WW2 known
collectively as WHY WE FIGHT, as well as a few others. If I was going to
try to teach a child about the war, these would be my very first choice.
Know Your Enemy: Japan (1945)
Your Job in Germany (1945)
War Comes to America (1945)... aka Why We Fight, 7 (1945) (USA: series
Two Down and One to Go (1945)
Battle of China, The (1944)... aka Battle of China: Assault on the Great
Wall, The (1944) (USA: video box title)... aka Why We Fight, 6 (1944)
(USA: series title)
Tunisian Victory (1944)... aka Official Record, An (1944) (USA: subtitle)
Battle of Britain, The (1943)... aka Why We Fight, 4 (1943) (USA: series
Divide and Conquer (1943)... aka Why We Fight, 3 (1943) (USA: series title)
Nazis Strike, The (1943)... aka Nazi Strike: Blitzkrieg!, The (1943)
(USA: video title)... aka Why We Fight, 2 (1943) (USA: series title)
Battle of Russia, The (1943)... aka Battle of Russia: The Nazi March
Frozen, The (1943) (USA: video box title)... aka Why We Fight, 5 (1943)
(USA: series title)
Prelude to War (1943) (uncredited)... aka Why We Fight, 1 (1943) (USA:
series title)
I visited and submitted a form for a free sample of their
product, but then the privacy disclaimer told me I would not receive any
spam. What's up with that?
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