Re: Mindbending films
Tue, 31 Mar 1998 12:55:32 -0500
I tried to get this from Uludag, but they didn't have it. Deborah Brock's
_Andy and the Airwave Rangers_ would be mindbending if it were better
done, though Ed wood's _Glen or Glenda_ already is. A fascinating one is
Toshio Masuda's _The Last Days of Planet Earth_, which Paramount recently
butchered for home video, with rotten dubbing, TV fadeouts, cutting, and
pan and scan, so that critics all trash it. Then there are Shinya
Tsukamoto's films...
On Fri, 27 Mar 1998, Nezih Erdogan wrote:
> There is a Turkish films made in the mid 80s.
> _Adi Vasfiye_/_Vasfiye is Her Name_ (Atif Yilmaz, 1985).
> The film starts with an outdoor scene in which a young writer (a
> screenwriter?) is complaining about his block (of finding something to
> write about) to an elderly man (the director?). His friend tells him that
> everything has a story and a writer is supposed to be able to dig it
> out. They stop in front of a poster on the wall. He points to the poster
> and says: "See, this woman in the poster has a story, too!" This is the
> picture of a singer (Mujde Ar) working in a "night club". He leaves the
> writer at the spot wishing him "a nice dream" (which is the film we are
> about to see). Someone approaches the writer and begins to tell him a
> story about the woman, that is Vasfiye. Then he meets other men who also
> know Vasfiye and have something to tell about her. (Each story is
> shown in the fashion of a different genre of Turkish cinema). He begins
> to realise that these are not _her_ stories, but male fantasies about her,
> so he seeks Vasfiye to learn the "truth". He locates Vasfiye in
> a night club and begs her to tell her truth. But Vasfiye remains
> silent and gives him a flower with an enigmatic smile on her face.
> Her manager (pimp?) thinks that he is aggressing her and he stabs him.
> Wounded badly, the writer escapes from a door with the help of Vasfiye
> and finds himself in front of the poster again. He tries to get in through
> the poster (which served as a door when he escaped) but cannot succeed.
> His wound has vanished. So, was it all a dream? But he finds the flower in
> the pocket of his coat. He seems to know what to make of all that has
> happened to him. The image freezes and is broken into pieces (just like a
> shattered mirror).
> ----
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