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March 1993


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Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
"Lynn A. Sprague" <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 28 Feb 1993 21:54:26 EST
Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (26 lines)
Hi everyone, I'm a sophmore at CMU doing a research paper on breaking into
the business of being a screenplay writer.  That's right, I have my own
blockbuster, with which to pounce on the producers.  Anyway, are there any
pros out there willing to help their future competition?  What I'm looking
for is the best advice one may give to an aspiring scripter.
     What sort of education do you recommend?
     Should I change my geographical location, now or after graduation?
     Should I go through an agent?  How do I get a credible agent?
     What should my portfolio contain?
     Does "Writer's Market" help or is its information too late?
     Do you have any other information, such as a book for reference,
     or ANY general information my English professor would be amazed by?
I will truly appreciate any responses and would be glad to send you the
completed paper, it's due the end of April.  With a good enough grade, I
will be submitting it to an undergraduate paper presentation search.  It
seems the subject of screenplay writing is almost esoteric, minus the in-
put from "Writer's Digest."  Thank you for your cooperation, Lynn A.Sprague