Re: Apparitions
Tue, 30 Apr 1996 07:30:48 GMT
On Fri, 19 Apr 1996 18:09:04 -0500, Vanessa Katheri Wayne
<[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>Hello everyone.
>I am starting my master's thesis work this summer and I have decided on the
>topic of adolescent lesbians/lesbianism in film. What led me in this direction
>was seeing the wonderful film, "The Incredible True Story of Two Girls in
>Love." As my approach, I am using Terri Castle's "The Apparitional Lesbian."
oranges are not the only fruit, to my knowledge, is available on video
outside of north america.
check out this url:
it's the lesbian interest page from Art & Trash Video in toronto.
though the titles are only for rental it will give a good list of
films that you can look up in leonard maltin or the video hound book
and read descriptions.
in addition, i recommend these films:
thank god i'm a lesbian
i you he she (je tu il elle)
framing lesbian fashion
safe is desire
out: stories of gay and lesbian youth
some deal with lesbian youth. some with older folx discovering their
lesbian-ness for the first time. some i just plain like and recommend
as a basis for lesbian cinema.
this url:
will give you the name of an excellent book listing films of gay
interest on video.
hope this is of help.
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