Call for Papers: The Latin American "Boom"; deadline extended
Wed, 24 Jan 2001 14:21:24 -0600
The following CFP has extended the deadline for submissions.
Call for Papers
"El periódo de transición"
Time of Transition: The Boom and Beyond throughout the Americas
A Regional Literary Conference for Students and Faculty
Friday, April 6, 2000
You are invited to submit presentation proposals for a conference
sponsored by the English Department graduate students at
Minnesota State University, Mankato, celebrating the Latin
American writing movement (focusing on the years
1960-present). We welcome proposals representing a variety
of responses to the literature and the culture it
represents. Paper and panel topics may include (we welcome
any other suggestions):
• The Influence of the Boom Period on Post-Boom Literature
• Gender Issues in Contemporary Latin American Literature
• Gabriel García Márquez: Journalism and Fiction in Latin American Literature
• The Boom Period and Pop Culture
• Latin American Literature and Film
• Literature as a Political Vehicle
• The Boom, the Indigenista, and Folklore
• The Boom: Surrealism as Form and Technique
Individual presentations should be no more than fifteen
minutes long. Panels will consist of no more than
three-four presenters, with time for discussion. Please
include the following in your proposal: a title; an
abstract not to exceed 300 words per individual; and a
brief one-paragraph statement about the presenter(s),
including academic affiliation and email address. Please
include audio/visual requirements for your presentation.
All abstracts should be received no later than THURSDAY,
FEBRUARY 15, 2001. Notification of acceptance will be sent
WITHIN A WEEK OF RECEIPT of the abstract.
Submit abstracts to: Spring 2001 Latin American Conference,
English Department, Minnesota State University, Mankato,
230 Armstrong Hall, Mankato, MN 56001 Fax: (507)389-5362.
Or email: [log in to unmask]
Donald F. Larsson
English Department, AH 230
Minnesota State University
Mankato, MN 56001
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