Sat, 30 Jan 2016 11:38:46 -0500
FILM CRITICISM has relaunched as an open access online journal. The
inaugural issue <> features a number of
short, pithy articles by film and media scholars on topic of "film
criticism today," including essays by Dana Polan, Janet Staiger, Tom
Gunning, Kevin Ball, Caetlin Benson-Allott, Warren Buckland, Shelley
Cobb, Myles McNutt, Adrian Martin, Catherine Grant, Hollis Griffin,
Amanda Ann Klein, Michael Newman, Elizabeth Reich, Richard Rushton, Sara
Saljoughi, Steven Shaviro, Constantine Verevis, and more. The issue also
features an essay from editor Joe Tompkins explaining the journal's
And you can "like" the journal's new Facebook page
<> to keep up with
FILM CRITICISM developments.
Online resources for film/TV studies may be found at ScreenSite