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November 2004, Week 4


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"Peter C. Rollins" <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 26 Nov 2004 13:07:02 EST
text/plain (42 lines)
Updated Call For Papers. Extended deadline…
at  the SWPCA/ACA meeting Albuquerque, NM,  Feb. 9-12, 2005
_ (   (Proposal 
deadline of 10 December,  2004!)

Film and History are related topics which show up on a  regular basis in 
Film & History, a scholarly journal in publication  for 34 years. 
Each year, Film & History gathers like-minded  scholars at various venues 
to  discuss the inter-relationship between visual media and culture.   
How do films interpret historical issues and  events? 
How do films attempt to influence contemporary  perceptions? 
How do films reflect the times in which they are  made? 
These are basic, vital, and pertinent questions in our  media age. 
This is a CFP for papers dealing with any of the three  questions above in 
relation to a cluster of films, a specific genre, a key  director such as 
Ford or Orson Welles, or issues such as race and  gender.  We will  be 
meeting in Albuquerque, February 9-12,  2005. 
Some idea of the spectrum of topics can be gained by  visiting the Film & 
History web site:  _www.filmandhistory.org_ (  
We  are just emerging from a conference on the topic of WAR IN FILM  and 
papers enhanced and revisioned by that meeting are  certainly invited; 
however, we would also like to hear from both senior scholars  and graduate students 
about their work on other areas.  (Here, again, the web site will give a  
sense of variety.) 
The  deadline is rushing towards us, so please get back to the following Area 
Chair  by December 10, 2004. Alas, time is in fast motion (ie, under  24fps). 
Peter C. Rollins 
Film & History Center 
RR  3  Box 80 
Cleveland, OK 74020-9515 
918.243.7637 and fax 5995 
[log in to unmask] (mailto:[log in to unmask])  
Conference  details at _ 

Online resources for film/TV studies may be found at ScreenSite