Re: Evil heroes?
Wed, 22 Mar 2000 14:20:08 EST
In a message dated 03/22/2000 6:05:08 AM Pacific Standard Time,
[log in to unmask] writes:
<< Now, if you start to discuss the difference between
bad, evil, and morally ambiguous, the thing is going
to get really complicated...
I have been thinking about Monty Clift in "A Place in
the Sun"... why do we consider him the hero, when he
commits a crime? Why don't we feel pity for poor
Shelly Winters? Why do we justify his murder?
Very problematic film....
I really don't consider Clift the hero of A Place In The Sun, the film and
its original source is too complicated for such b&w observations. Clift is a
victim just as much as Winters is, and my heart felt pity for the two of
them.And maybe you justify his murder, I certainly don't. Lets not forget
that this film comes from a novel called "An American Tragedy."
Ira Joel Haber
Cinemage Books
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