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October 2008, Week 2


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"Jancovich Mark Prof (FTV)" <[log in to unmask]>
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Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 7 Oct 2008 21:06:40 +0100
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Please distribute:

The School of Film and Television Studies at UEA is holding a study day on television on Monday, 27 October 2008. This event will features papers from postgraduates and staff. All those who are considering applying to the school's MA or PhD are welcome to attend, although we would need people to let us know that they are planning to come so that we can get a sense of the numbers. If you are interested please contact, Derek Johnston ([log in to unmask]) for further details. The papers featured in the day will be: 

1.      Michael Ahmed, “Growing up with Grange Hill: Grange Hill, Television and the Forgotten 14-16 Year Old Demographic”
2.      Joe Arton, "The Klutz Maddona: Diane Keaton on the Tonight Show"
3.      Rayna Denison, “Responsible Piracy: Anime Fansubbers and the Changing Roles of Japanese Animated Television”
4.      Vincent M. Gaine, “The Origin of Michael Mann in The Jericho Mile”
5.      Erin Giannini, “The ‘Death Whinny’ of Television? Doctor Horrible as Model for Television-Quality Internet Content”
6.      Oliver Gruner, “Public History/Private Matters: Women, the Sixties and Television”
7.      Su Holmes, “‘An Important Piece of BBC Television’ or ‘A Lot of Viewers’ Nonsense?’ Re-visiting Points of View”
8.      Mark Jancovich, “`A Very Different Impact': The Opportunities and Dangers of Horror in Early British Television Production”
9.      Derek Johnston, “The Rise of the Unreal Real: Realism and Science Fiction on British Television 1936-1950”
10.     Brett Mills, “Invisible Television: The Programmes No-one Talks About Even Though Lots of People Watch Them”
11.     Rachel Mizsei Ward, “What is Television For? Television by Other Means”
12.     Louise Smith, “Simulacrum Motherhood and Reborn Babies”
13.     Lindsay Steenberg, “Television is for Teaching: TV’s Public Services and Pedagogical Functions”
14.     Helen Warner, “‘We're stuck in this Broadway Nightmare’: Spectacle and Ordinariness in the Television Musical Special”

Abstracts of the papers will be available via the School's website

All the best


Professor Mark Jancovich
Head of School, 
Film and Television Studies
University of East Anglia
Norwich, NR4 7TJ
Tel: 01603 592787
email: [log in to unmask]

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