Re: Recommended Texts for Prizewinner, The Hours, Far From Heaven?
Tue, 25 Oct 2005 06:45:33 -0500
This may be all too obvious, but Betty Friedan's THE FEMININE MYSTIQUE might be a starting point. Not about film, but the work that defined the "problem that has no name." Otherwise, check standard references such as the FILM LITERATURE INDEX, MLA Bibliography, etc.
Don Larsson
"Oh! Time, Strength, Cash, and Patience!"
--Herman Melville
Donald F. Larsson
Department of English, AH 230
Minnesota State University
Mankato, MN 56001
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Office Phone: 507-389-2368
From: Film and TV Studies Discussion List on behalf of Lane, Christina
Sent: Fri 10/14/2005 8:45 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: [SCREEN-L] Recommended Texts for Prizewinner, The Hours, Far From Heaven?
I'm planning to teach an extended unit on films such as The Prizewinner of Defiance, Ohio, The Hours, and Far From Heaven. Does anyone have recommendations for articles or books that would be good companions for the study of gender and film in the 1950s (and somewhat specific to these films)?
Christina Lane
From: Film and TV Studies Discussion List on behalf of Laird, Karen Elaine (UMC-Student)
Sent: Thu 10/13/2005 7:21 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: [SCREEN-L] prequels
Can anyone recommend any books or articles about prequels?
Karen Laird
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