another observation on names(calling)
Wed, 19 Jan 1994 09:57:37 EST
Henry Jenkins' statements about the tendency to reductively
categorize everyone who lives in the south as racist or reactionary
were much needed, and I'm glad to read such positive response as has
occurred. But the name of the thread to which he was responding, "Re:
elderly women," also has some problems.
I was on an interagency group's Task Force on Elderly Affairs back
in the mid-seventies. We had a hard time getting much participation
from our target group, and soon learned that there was resistance to
the name. "Elderly" has connotations of frailty which still-vigorous
old people resent. Using such terminology we tended to view old
people as comparatively helpless and in need of our services, but did
not give them much room to help themselves. After a lot of resistance
from some of the agencies involved, we changed the name to Task Force
for Old People, and were able to commence our work. "Elderly" has
grated on my nerves ever since then. Stephen Brophy