Re: end of the film?
Sat, 7 Feb 1998 14:25:34 -0500
The simple answer to your legal query is that it doesn't matter where the
copyright symbol is placed. The entire film is copyrighted, and the symbol
and date simply gives notice of that fact. In reality, the film would still
have copyright vested in it even if the symbol were left off the credits.
(Thus, even amateur productions are copyrighted even if the creators forget
to include the copyright symbol.)
I hope that answers your question. Please e-mail me directly with more
information if you need clarification.
At 06:15 AM 2/6/98 -0500, you wrote:
>I have a legal question for anyone out there. Does it matter where the
>copyright is placed in a film? Specifically, if the copyright is placed
>at the end of the credits does that have any bearing--leagally--on
>anything that might come after the credits? I am thinking of something
>such as the "brief statement" which occurs at the end of Frederick
>Wiseman's _Titicut Follies_, stating that changes have been made at the
>MCIB corrections facility since the making of the film. Does it matter at
>all in a strict legal sense that Wiseman puts this statement "after" the
>film in a sense?
>brian k aurand
>comparative literature
>university of maryland at college park
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>Online resources for film/TV studies may be found at ScreenSite
Online resources for film/TV studies may be found at ScreenSite