Re: Western Fans: Animal, Vegetable, or Mineral?
Tue, 6 Dec 1994 21:21:30 -0500
I think people who like Westerns are intellectual, French, wanna-be
filmmakers (save Bazin) in the 1950s. Are there many of these living in
trailor parks in New Mexico who self-selected for your survey?
On Tue, 6 Dec 1994, Yardena Rand wrote:
> Are people who love Westerns really human beings? Is the worship of John
> Wayne synonymous with racism, sexism, and imperialism? You tell me. I'm a
> grad student in AmCiv and, as part of my investigation of America's
> fascination with the movie Western, I have conducted a national survey of
> people who love Westerns. Over 500 individuals from around the country, from
> Florida to Alaska, have described themselves and told me why they love
> Westerns and I want to know from *you* what you think they're like. Men,
> women? White, of color? Liberal, conservative? Jot down your thoughts,
> Pard's, and I'll tell you what I've [log in to unmask]