Re: looking for
Sat, 15 Jun 1996 12:46:53 -0400
State University of New York at Stony Brook
Stony Brook, NY 11794
Krin Gabbard
Associate Professor
Comparative Literature
212 749-1631
15-Jun-1996 12:46pm EDT
TO: Remote Addressee ( [log in to unmask] )
Subject: RE: looking for
Dear Gloria,
Have you seen _That Lady in Ermine_, the last film of Lubitsch? It begins with
a shot of a portrait of Betty Grable (in ermine, natch). We later learn that
the picture is of the ancestor of the heroine, also played by Betty. And how's
this for the iconic representation of a star: on several occasions the woman in
the portait "comes to life" and sings and dances. Hope this is what you need.
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