Search: Visiting Assistant Professor, New Media || Trinity U || S an Antonio
Mon, 9 Apr 2001 12:30:47 -0500
Please forward:
Department of Communication Search for Visiting Assistant Professor of
Communication for Fall 2001
Communication: Trinity University Visiting Assistant Professor of
Communication, Fall 2001, M.A.or A.B.D.; M.F.A. or Ph.D. preferred; teach
six undergraduate classes per year (9 contact hours per semester), with
primary teaching responsibilities in (1) new media: web design; (2) media
interpretation/criticism. The department is integrated among media
specialties and within the liberal arts and sciences mission of the
university. The faculty is committed to linking theory and practice in our
teaching, research, and service. Trinity University, a highly selective,
primarily undergraduate liberal arts and sciences institution has an ideal
student-faculty ratio, and excellent facilities, equipment, and services.
Salary competitive. Deadline for receipt of application is April 27, 2001.
Women and minorities are encouraged to apply.
Send letter of application, curriculum vitae and/or dossier, three letters
of reference, graduate institution transcript(s), and teaching evaluations
(if not available, additional letters of reference specifically addressing
teaching abilities and experience) to Dr. William G. Christ, Chair,
Department of Communication, Trinity University, 715 Stadium Drive, San
Antonio, TX 78212-7200, FAX: 210-999-8355. EEO/AA Employer.
Department Website
Cassandra Van Buren, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Department of Communication
Trinity University
715 Stadium Drive | San Antonio, TX 78212-7200
210.999.8153 voice | 210.999.8355 fax
After June '01:
Cassandra Van Buren, Ph.D.
Department of Communication
University of Utah
255 S. Central Campus Drive LNCO 2400
Salt Lake City, UT 84112
801.581.6888 voice
801.585.6255 fax
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