Memorial Fund
Fri, 22 Nov 1996 14:18:34 -0600
Forwarded by Jeremy Butler, for more information contact Dana Polan
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----------------------------original message-----------------------
A memorial fund has been established at the University of Pittsburgh
in memory of Donie Durieu--wife of former SCS president and former
CINEMA JOURNAL editor, Dana Polan. Donie passed away on 18 October
after a long bout with a malignant brain tumor. The fund is intended
to honor Ms. Durieu's love of French culture and concern with pedagogy
(she worked as a French instructor at a number of universities,
including the University of Pittsburgh) and will be used to build up a
collection of videotapes and laser disks in the area of French cinema
for student, faculty, and visiting researcher use.
People who wish to contribute to the fund should send a note to that
effect and a check payable to the "University of Pittsburgh" to: Ms.
Sandy Russo, Film Studies Secretary, 526 CL University of Pittsburgh,
Pittsburgh, PA 15260. For more information, email Dana Polan at
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