Call for Articles
Wed, 22 May 91 21:56:57 CDT
A call for articles:
For a special double issue of FILM CRITICISM on British Cinema, 1900-1975;
papers should be 15-20 pages in new MLA format on any aspect of the British
Cinema during this period with particular interest in the work of women
filmmakers, especially Jill Craigie, Betty and Muriel Box. Articles already
accepted are on Passport to Pimlico; British Gangsters, 1950-1975; the Frears-
Kureishi films; and Montgomery Tully. Deadline is September 1, 1991, but the
earlier the better. Please send all submissions to:
Wheeler Dixon, 202 Andrews Hall, Department of English, University of Nebraska-
Lincoln, Lincoln NE 68588-0333, or Fax to (402) 472-4636, or electronically
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Wheeler Dixon