Filmography to prime the pumps and credit option on Presidency in Film, TV
Sun, 30 Jul 2000 17:09:13 EDT
John Lawrence Filmography and Credit Option Information
on Film & History Web site.......Credit option
Now official for the Presidency in Film Conference in Los Angeles
The latest version of John Lawrence's filmography of
The Presidency in Film is now on the Film & History
Web site:
This excellent resource is being updated daily, supplying the
following data for key films:
New York Times Review data
Variety Review data
Actor who plays the President
This is a very stimulating resource and may encourage
prospective authors to gear up for our November conference.
The "soft deadline" for our conference is 1 September and
some papers will be accepted thereafter if they fit into established
panel grids.
Queries are welcomed at [log in to unmask]
California State University-Northridge is the Co-Sponsor
of this event and will offer three (3) hours of History credit for attendance
at the event and production of a log on the themes and topics of the
conference. A non-credit option is $175 and the credit option is
$465. Students are given full admission to events (excluding the
banquet) and will receive a year's subscription to Film & History).
Teachers in the California School System can obtain
45 hours of professional training credit for their participation
and should find much to bring back to their classrooms.
Teachers of record are Prof. Tom Maddux of History and
Peter Rollins of Film & History. Details of the readings, writings,
and attendance will be available in the near future and posted on
the Film & History Web site.
Credit contact: College of Extended Learning. 818.677.3911
Our Presidency in Film and TV conference will be held
from 10-12 November near the Ronald Reagan Presidential
Library in Simi Valley, California, some 45 mins by van
from the LAX Airport.
See our web site for the John Lawrence Filmography and
for details about our conference.
Peter Rollins
Peter C. Rollins, Editor
Film & History: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Film and TV Studies
(Web site:
RR 3 Box 80
Cleveland, OK 74020
(918)243-7637 and fax 5995
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Comments: Individual subscription information on the web site
as well as information and FAQ's about the CD-ROMs. There are
also discussion items and essays on Saving Private Ryan, Amistad,
CNN's Cold War, and a host of other topics. The Table of Contents
for the last thirty years is there as well. Lastest issues deal with the
Medieval Era in film. Next issues will focus on Television as
Historian and edited by Gary Edgerton (Old Dominion U).
Next conference is in November, 2000 on The Presidency in Film
at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library, Simi Valley, California
(45 mins. north of LAX). Information and registration details are on
the web site!
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