Call for papers: Women’s Filmmaking and Feminist Criticism in the Digital Era, Monash Prato Centre, Italy, 3-4 July 2017
Thu, 1 Sep 2016 12:21:52 +1000
*Call for Papers*
*Women’s Filmmaking and Feminist Criticism in the Digital Era*
*Monash Prato Centre, Italy, 3-4 July 2017*
The aim of this two-day international closed workshop (10-12
participants) is to consider how women filmmakers are responding to the
opportunities and challenges offered by the rise of digital technologies
and how feminist film scholarship is developing new frameworks to
account for these transformations in women’s cinema and beyond. We take
the methodology Patricia White evolved in /Women’s Cinema, World Cinema/
(Duke UP, 2015) as a point of departure for examining the interplay
between industry and technology (new modes of digital production,
distribution and exhibition), texts (style, genre, forms, aesthetics),
and audiences (gendered modes of address, new modes of viewing,
intercultural and transnational circulation and exchange) in the screen
works by women from around the world and from across a wide range of
screen media forms, including television, web films, video art,
audiovisual essays, features and documentary. We are particularly
interested in instances where women work across media and where this
work opens up new spaces for women's expression and social action.
Our intention is not simply to apply concepts in new media to the
practice of women filmmakers. We encourage workshop participants to also
ask what difference, if any, digitality makes in terms of the kinds of
feminisms contemporary women’s filmmaking engages and/or, indeed,
engenders: intersectional, reflexive, collective, radical, and so forth.
How are digital technologies shaping new modes of feminist film
criticism and practice? What are the media archaeologies of these new
modes? What kinds of spaces/places are these new modes occurring in?
Participants will be required to submit a 2500-3000 word paper by 1 May
2017. Papers will be workshopped at the event with the aim of producing
a collected volume on this topic.
Confirmed Keynote Speakers: Patricia White, Professor of Film and Media
Studies, Swarthmore College, USA, and Kim Soyoung, Documentary filmmaker
and Professor of Cinema Studies, Korean National University of Arts,
South Korea.
Convenors: Therese Davis ([log in to unmask]) and Olivia Khoo
([log in to unmask])
Please send 300 word proposals and a bio to the convenors by 31 October
2016. Notifications by end of November 2016. Please note: there will be
no registration fees however we are not able to provide funding for
airfares or accommodation.
Dr Olivia Khoo
Senior Lecturer, Film and Screen Studies
Program Co-ordinator, Film, Media and Communications HDR Program
Room B4.26, Building B, Level 4
School of Media, Film and Journalism
Monash University
Caulfield East VIC 3143
P: +61-3-9905-2128
E: [log in to unmask]
We acknowledge the Traditional Owners, and Elders past and present, of all the lands on which Monash University operates.
Screen-L is sponsored by the Telecommunication & Film Dept., the
University of Alabama: