Sat, 14 Dec 1996 09:03:35 -0500
As soon as I pushed the button to post my previous message I knew I should
have clarified what I meant about dubbing in "The Conformist." I was
referring to the difference between a version I had seen dubbed into English
and the recently released subtitled version. The latter is a feast for the
ear, but then I'm big on the sound of Italian. I'm aware of the fact that
Italian films were dubbed after shooting, and I appreciate the effort to
clarify that point with the reference to Trintignant, who is indeed my
favorite actor. Can we be certain that he didn't do his own (Italian)
dubbing, though? He appeared in a slew of Italian films early in his career.
I rented one of those early Italian films from Home Film Festival and I
would bet the ranch that he did his own dubbing in that one, so I never
questioned whether it was his voice in "The Conformist." I'm going to run
the copy I have on hand [dubbed : ) ]to see how it sounds. Does anyone have
definitive knowledge of this matter. (Jean-Louis, are you there?) Ciao.
Dan Gribbin
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