CFP: Symposium on Media, Communication, and Film Studies Programs at Liberal Arts Colleges (MCFLAC) May 23-24, 2017, Colby College
Fri, 16 Dec 2016 10:28:48 -0600
Call for Participation: Symposium on Media, Communication, and Film Studies Programs at Liberal Arts Colleges (MCFLAC)
May 23-24, 2017, Colby College, Maine
Deadline for submissions: February 10, 2017
Media, Communication, and Film Studies Programs at Liberal Arts Colleges (MCFLAC) invites proposals for papers, panels, and exhibits for a two-day symposium, to be held at Colby College in Waterville, Maine. The symposium will bring together faculty engaged in the scholarly and pedagogical praxis of media, communication, and film studies in the liberal arts context for two days of resource sharing, student-work showcases, workshops, and panel sessions.
Building off the momentum of last year’s inaugural symposium, at Muhlenberg College, this year’s theme is “Revolutions.” We have chosen this theme in keeping with Colby College’s Center for the Arts and Humanities year-long focus, which is broadly conceived to encompass revolutions in the “political, literary, artistic, cultural, social, scientific, … conceptual,” and, we suggest, pedagogical and institutional realms.
We invite proposals (250 to 500 words) that engage with our theme, including:
* Revolutionary approaches to teaching
* Teaching about revolutions--past and present
* Revolutionizing the (increasingly neoliberal) institutional structures in which we are located
* Mobilizing theory and pedagogy to facilitate revolutionary thinking
* Analyzing the impact of ongoing revolutionary changes (sociocultural, economic, epistemological) upon our work in liberal education, including ideas for redirecting, capitalizing and/or adapting
* Interrogating the “revolutionary” rhetoric around higher education, with the liberal arts college said to be ripe for “disruption”
* Responding to the Trump “revolution” and its reverberations on our campuses
Preference will be given to submissions that fit the symposium theme, but we welcome submissions on all topics reflecting MCFLAC’s unique emphasis on praxis in liberal arts settings. We seek to bring together a diverse group of teachers, scholars, and students, from different backgrounds with various life experiences, teaching styles, and intellectual orientations.
Presentation formats include:
* individual paper abstracts
* panel session abstracts (identifying three to four participants)
* student-work showcases (featuring scholarship, media work, and/or hybrids in digital or other formats)
* pedagogy workshops (on core assignments, capstone courses, and/or pedagogical techniques)
* research workshops (on projects, strategies, publishing models, and/or research/exhibit and tools)
* additional formats considered
*** In addition to these formats, we invite submissions for 3-minute “short cuts”: lightning fast presentations in which participants give a quick run-down of innovative or useful tech tools, assignments, teaching strategies etc. The presentations are three minutes long and we ask you to use one slide per minute. Please label your “short cut” submissions accordingly.
Please include a brief bio and note any technology requirements with your proposal. Include your bio, proposal, and tech needs in one PDF document and attach to an email addressed to Beth Corzo-Duchardt, [log in to unmask] If you are submitting a “short cut” proposal in addition to another proposal, please attach as a separate document.
Deadline for submissions: February 10, 2017.
Questions? Contact Beth Corzo Duchardt, [log in to unmask]
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