Re: Evil Heroes & Heroines
Wed, 22 Mar 2000 10:51:08 -0500
Take a look at Shakespeare (whatever film versions you like):
Richard III
Or for evil heroines, in Shakespearean, ancient Greek, and modern European
Lady Macbeth
Hedda Gabler
Evil heroines also appear in some films:
the lady vampires in THE HUNGER
But I agree that most films with evil characters are melodramas, with the
evil one as villain, while the plays listed above are tragedies, with
protagonists who are both good and evil.
Mark Pizzato
Asst. Professor
Dept. of Dance and Theatre
Univ. of North Carolina at Charlotte
Charlotte, NC 28223
Phone: (704) 547-4488
FAX: 704-547-3795
> ----------
> From: Evan Rosenfield
> Sent: Tuesday, March 21, 2000 10:47 PM
> Subject: Evil heroes?
> mike frank wrote:
> "at a quick guess, we'll find many fewer evil heroes than
> evil heroines . . . and if that's the case it ought to tell us
> something about ourselves that we need -- but don't want
> to -- know . . ."
> Isn't an evil hero impossible? I've always found the non-evilness of
> protagonists to be one of the most intriguing points of identification for
> me. At most I've found some heroes morally ambiguous. But evil? Its tough
> to
> call the person you are identifying with evil. Maybe bad, but evil?
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