media production practices job
Fri, 29 Oct 1999 09:14:49 -0500
Here is the announcement of an interesting job in the Department of
Communication Studies at the University of Iowa. Please help us spread the
word to appropriate candidates. Thank you.
The Department of Communication Studies at the University of Iowa seeks a
teacher-scholar in the area of media production practices, beginning Fall
2000. The position is expected to be offered at the Assistant Professor
level. The successful candidate will have experience in media production
and be an active scholar with a research focus on media practices in their
cultural, economic, or political contexts of production. The Department is
especially interested in candidates who can bring expertise in sound-based
communication. Teaching duties will include the multi-sectioned
Introduction to Media Production and at least one other course in media
production practices (e.g. Radio, TV, Audio), plus graduate and
undergraduate courses in the candidate's research area. Requirements for
tenure and promotion include outstanding teaching, regular and substantial
scholarly publication, and professional service. Evidence of teaching
abilities, scholarly achievement, and potential to supervise graduate
student research required. Ph.D./M.F.A. required by date of appointment;
Ph.D. preferred. Submit letter of application, curriculum vitae, three
letters of recommendation, and email address to:
Eric W. Rothenbuhler
Chair, Search Committee
Department of Communication Studies
105 BCSB
University of Iowa
Iowa City, IA 52242
Additional materials may be called for. Screening begins immediately. The
University of Iowa is an Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action employer;
women and minorities are encouraged to apply.
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