Re: Woody Allen's antecedents
Wed, 15 Feb 1995 19:22:59 CST
----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Woody Allen's film "Manhatten" is his version of Fellini's "Eight and a
Half". Also "Manhatten Murder Mystery" is a voyeristic film with much owed to
Hitchcock's "Rear Window". On the more obvious side is Allen's "Play It Again
Sam" centering on a collective version of the Humphrey Bogart charaters.
I have also been told in an Italian Language class I took that "The Purple
Rose of Cairo" is based on an Italian film (I not sure, but I beleive it is
Fellini's "White Sheik")
In "Annie Hall" there is a debate about Fellini's "Satyricon" that takes
place midway through the film while standing in movie line. Also in "Scenes
at the Mall" Allen goes into a cinema while an Indian movie is playing (I'm
sorry I don't have the title with me now).
Allen has through most of his career has made cinematic references in many of
his films. You might check Microsoft's Cinemania 95 for others. If I get to
it I will do so.