Re: foreign-language films
Wed, 23 Aug 2000 18:32:05 +0200
> P.S. In a recent trip to Poland I learned that Polish TV has all of
> its foreign product (U.S. dramas, Mexican telenovelas, etc.) dubbed by
> one person. He speaks the Polish dialogue over the original language,
> which remains in the background. Quite disconcerting!
> And he must be one busy voice-over dude!
> ----
> Jeremy Butler
This is very true. Polish tv experiments from time to time with subtitles
but apparently viewers prefer one person reading everything. This
system has one advantage over regular dubbing: you hear both the
original text and the version in your language.
Piotr Sitarski
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Department of Media and Visual Culture
University of Lodz, Poland
tel/fax. +48 (42) 632 04 31
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