Fwd: Media Politics - Political Media. The NECS 2013 Conference
Fri, 9 Nov 2012 11:35:39 +0200
Media Politics - Political Media. The NECS 2013 Conference
Prague, Czech Republic, June 20-22, 2013
Hosted by Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague
Submission Deadline: January 31, 2013
Please email all inquiries to [log in to unmask]
Confirmed keynote speakers include: Georgina Born (University of Oxford)
and Gertrud Koch (Freie Universität Berlin).
Call for Papers
Film, Media and Cultural Studies have been struggling to respond to the
increasing politicization of audiovisual media prompted by recent
developments in globalization, conglomeration, digitization, copyright law,
censorship, corruption, activism, and ecology. It is perhaps fitting then
that the next NECS conference - focusing on "Media Politics - Political
Media" - takes place in the Czech capital of Prague, a city lying at the
heart of a region characterized by countless regime changes and oft-redrawn
In light of significant changes to the media landscape, it is imperative
that, as media scholars and practitioners, we ask how we might best
understand the full range of ways in which media operates politically, and
how we may respond to what Toby Miller described as "the irrelevance of
screen studies to both popular and policy-driven discussion of films". The
goals of the NECS Conference of 2013 are threefold: to re-evaluate the
political character of media histories, texts, experiences, communities,
and institutions; to illuminate the political underpinnings of media
theories; and to shed light on the ways in which media might function as a
political tool for hegemonistic, oppressive, illegal or unethical
activities and critical or counter-cultural responses to them.
Potential topics may include, but are not limited to:
(1) Political Aesthetics: the politics of perception and aesthetic
experience, politics in film, politics of the text, taste and distinction,
body politics, pleasure, the gaze, politics of sound, authorship, the
canon, New Waves, realism, reflexivity, avant-garde.
(2) Political Theory: media and democracy, populism, violence, ideology,
utopia, governmentality, class, ethnicity, age, subjectivity, identity,
privacy, the micropolitics of production and consumption communities,
political philosophy through film.
(3) Political Economy: media markets, the public-sphere, citizenry,
popularity, ownership, (de)regulation, cultural policy, conglomeration,
globalization, convergence/divergence, media capital, creative labour,
intellectual property, (self)-exploitation, art-money.
(4) Political History: media and the state, the nation and nationalism,
political parties and regimes, political communications, (post-)fordism,
(post-)colonialism, (cold-)war, propaganda, neo-liberalism, digitization,
the politics of memory, exile.
(5) Politics of Engagement: alternative modes of production and
distribution, digital democracy, corruption, piracy, media activism,
"produsers", militant media, open source, file-sharing, remixing, mash-ups,
media ecology.
Scholars from all areas of film, media and cultural studies (including
radio, television, new media, game studies etc.), whether previously
attached to NECS or new to the network, are invited to submit proposals for
Please note that you may hand in a paper or panel proposal related to the
thematic guidelines of the conference outlined above, or alternatively
submit a paper or panel proposal for open call in any field of cinema and
media studies.
We especially encourage pre-constituted panels in order to strengthen the
thematic coherence of individual panels. There are three ways of
participating in the Prague conference:
(1) by organizing a pre-constituted panel. (the members of the NECS work
groups are especially encouraged to put together a pre-constituted panel);
(2) by proposing an open call paper outside a pre-constituted panel.
(3) by organizing a workshop, concentrating on more practical aspects of
our field such as teaching or research methods (to propose a workshop,
please contact [log in to unmask] directly);
Please note that individuals may submit only one paper proposal, either to
the open call or as a part of a pre-constituted panel or workshop.
Panels may consist of 3-4 speakers with a maximum of 20 minutes speaking
time each. All presenters are obliged to provide us with a title, an
abstract of max 150 words, 3-5 key bibliographical references, name of the
presenter and institutional affiliation.
Panel organizers are asked to submit panel proposals including a panel
title, a short description (up to 100 words) of the panel and information
on all the papers as listed above.
Please submit all proposals before January 31, 2013 through the submission
forms that will be accessible from January 1st on at: www.necs.org.
Notification will follow shortly thereafter (around February 28, 2013). The
conference language is English.
Conference attendance is free, but valid NECS-membership and online
registration is required to participate in the conference. Participants
must register with NECS at www.necs.org and pay their fee before a proposal
is submitted. Proposals from non-members (including all members of
pre-constituted panels) will not be taken into consideration. For the terms
of NECS membership, please also refer to our website.
Participants will have to cover their own travel and accommodation
expenses. Travel information as well as a list of affordable hotels and
other accommodations will be posted on the NECS website in the spring of
For the conference organizers:
The NECS Conference Committee
Melis Behlil, Sofia Bull, Aurore Fossard, Paulo Granja, Daniel Kulle, Petr
The NECS Steering Committee
Melis Behlil, Sophie Einwächter, Jaap Kooijman, Tarja Laine, Trond Lundemo,
Patricia Pisters, Astrid Söderbergh Widding, Malin Wahlberg
The Local Organization
Petr Szczepanik, Tereza Dvořáková, Kateřina Svatoňová, Petr Bilík, Lucie
Česálková, Ivan Klimeš, Petra Hanáková, Adéla Kokešová, Daniela Paulová,
Alexandra Hroncová
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