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February 1997, Week 5


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Jeremy Butler <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 28 Feb 1997 11:59:58 -0600
text/plain (96 lines)
The Society for Cinema Studies conference has several new Internet-based
resources this year--all of which are available through the recently
inaugurated Web site:
Resources are also being provided through other Internet channels:  e-mail,
a Usenet-style bulletin board, real-time chatting and FTP (file transfer
1.  The SCS Conference Program
The entire, preliminary program can be acquired through the Web, e-mail, or
a.  The Web
Contact the SCS Web site:
b.  E-mail
Send e-mail to [log in to unmask] and in the first line of your message, put
the following:
send scsprog.txt
A text file (ASCII) will be sent to you via normal e-mail channels.  This
text file may be opened with any word processor.
Be forewarned:  it's long!  It runs 1,283 lines or 54k.
c.  "Anonymous" FTP (File Transfer Protocol)
FTP to and login as
When prompted for a password, use your e-mail address (e.g.,
[log in to unmask]).  Then you may change to the "pub" directory/folder and
nab the program in text (ASCII), WordPerfect (6.0), or Microsoft Word (6.0)
formats (respectively):
2.  A Usenet-style bulletin board.
A discussion area has been set up on the SCS bulletin board for conference
material:  scs.conference.  It may be accessed through the Web site
(, where further information on how to use it
may be found.
What can be done with such a bulletin board?
* The posting of conference papers (before or after the conference itself).
* Preliminary discussions among members of a panel about their topic.
* The distribution of images (e.g., frame enlargements) related to
conference presentations.
* Requests for comments on paper topics (so that a presenter might get a
better idea of what his/her audience is interested in).
3.  Real-time chatting.
SCS members may meet online and exchange ideas/information instantaneously
(with NO long distance charges!).  SCSchat is text-based, real-time
chatting.  E.g., as someone types a message in Wollongong, Australia,
someone reads it in Tuscaloosa, Alabama.
More info on chatting is available at  All
that is required is a Web browser (Java-capable) or Internet Relay Chat
(IRC) client.
Further information?
Contact Jeremy Butler ([log in to unmask]), the chair of SCS's computer
networking committee, or Jim Castonguay ([log in to unmask]), the
SCS Webmaster.
For information on the conference itself, contact the chair of the Program
Committee, David Desser ([log in to unmask]), or Mark Langer
([log in to unmask]).
Jeremy Butler
[log in to unmask]
Telecommunication & Film/University of Alabama/Tuscaloosa/AL
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