CFP: "BUFFY at 20" Conference (Marquette University, April 1, 2017) -- extended deadline
Mon, 19 Dec 2016 09:53:07 -0500
We've been getting great submissions for the "BUFFY at 20" conference but
decided to extend the deadline until after the New Year. Please consider
sending something in! Gerry
*CFP: BUFFY AT 20 *April 1, 2017
Marquette University
Milwaukee, WI
*Please submit 250-500 word abstracts to [log in to unmask]
<[log in to unmask]> and [log in to unmask]
<[log in to unmask]>.*
*Participants will be notified by January 15, 2017.*
Keynote Speaker: Sherryl Vint, University of California, Riverside
This one-day conference invites scholars working on film and television,
literature, philosophy, history, folklore studies, religion, and related
academic disciplines to explore the ongoing legacy of *Buffy the Vampire
Slayer *as it turns twenty years old this year. Undoubtedly one of the
best-loved (and best-studied) television programs of all time, *Buffy* has
left an indelible mark on contemporary genre fiction and contemporary
fandom both. But where do we go from here? What is the place of *Buffy *today,
in a media ecology that in many ways has moved beyond the stale genre
conventions and offensive sexist assumptions that made it feel so
revolutionary in its moment? Does *Buffy* really still *matter, *all these
years later? We submit it does, and invite papers that advance novel and
innovative interventions in *Buffy *studies that point the way towards
another twenty years (at least)
Possible topics might include:
* *Buffy/Angel* spinoff media, including the video games, *Fray,* and the
seasons 8-10 comics
* Where are they now? Post-Buffy careers
* *Buffy/Angel* fan commentary and fan fictions
* Bingewatching
* Buffy ** Re-(re-(re-))watching
* Buffy ** *Buffy* and philosophy
* *Buffy* and history
* *Buffy* and religion
* *Buffy* and contemporary identity politics
* *Buffy/Angel* and the wider Mutant Enemy culture industry (*Firefly,
Dollhouse, Doctor Horrible, The Cabin in the Woods, Much Ado about Nothing*,
the Marvel Cinematic Universe)
* *Buffy* and nostalgia
* *Buffy* and mythopoesis
* classic episodes / classically bad episodes
* the rise of Whedon Studies / *Buffy* in the academy / *Buffy* in the
* *Buffy* in the Anthropocene
* *Buffy* in the Age of Trump
* *Buffy*’s impact, legacy, ongoing relevance, and future
Conference organizers:
Gerry Canavan ([log in to unmask])
James South ([log in to unmask])
Screen-L is sponsored by the Telecommunication & Film Dept., the
University of Alabama: