Re: SCS Workshop
Sun, 3 Nov 1991 19:36:05 CST
On Sat, 2 Nov 1991 11:36:58 EST <SCHATTER@SUVM> said:
>Hello Jeremy,
> Although I'm not an SCS member, I'm very interested in the workshop.
>Please keep us (I'm presuming there are others on this list who are also
>interested) informed of what takes place at the workshop. I would also like to
>receive material (print or otherwise) pertaining to the workshop if it's
>not a problem. Thanks.
>Santanu Chatterjee
I'll be sure to report back to SCREEN-L on anything interesting that
comes up. (The meeting isn't until the summer.)
And if anybody has any interesting nooks or crannies that they've
found in the BITNET/Internet/Telnet/FTP universe, please post them
to SCREEN-L or e-mail me personally.
I assume, fr'instance, that folks on this list know how to use
Telnet to access the on-line catalogues of libraries throughout
the world. Did you know that UT (Denton, I think?) keeps a list of
hundreds of such libraries addresses?
Work is the blackmail of survival.
| Jeremy G. Butler - - - - - - - - - - | Internet : [log in to unmask] |
| SCREEN-L Coordinator | GEnie : J.BUTLER27 |
| |
| Telecommunication & Film Dept * The University of Alabama * Tuscaloosa |