sources for old TV
Sat, 2 Jul 2005 16:06:46 -0500
Dear colleagues:
Anyone out there know who might sell on video the 3 old television programs
(episodes) listed below? Since some of the big video producers and distributors
currently don't seem to have them, I suppose if anyone does, it might be an
individual hobbyist or collector who dates back to the 1960s or even the 1950s,
and who saved what no one else at the time thought would have any value...
1. "The Movie Maker" (US TV 1964), also known as "Slow Fade to Black."
Dir. by J Lejtes (Leytes), writ. by S Bochco, featuring R Steiger, Anna Lee, R Culp,
S Kellerman, J Dunn, D Coleman. [Not to be confused with a 1986 "Movie Maker,"
dir. by J Wilson, featuring Z Gabor, O Bean, D Hedison.]
2. "You are There" (US TV, 9/20/53): episode entitled "First Moscow Purge Trial,"
narr. by W Cronkite, featuring R Cornthwaite, P Mamakos. [Episode not included
in recently released DVD anthologies of a few episodes from that series.]
3. "This is Your Life" (US TV, 2/6/57): episode devoted to New York press agent
Constance Hope (Mrs Milton L Berliner). [Episode not included in recently released
DVD anthologies.]
Feel free to reply to me directly, if you wish: "[log in to unmask]".
Steven P Hill,
University of Illinois.
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