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August 2014, Week 1


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Consoleing Passions <[log in to unmask]>
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Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 1 Aug 2014 07:18:33 -0500
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Submissions are now open for Console-ing Passions 2015

 *CP 23 Rebooting Feminism*

*Console-ing Passions International Conference on Television, Video, Audio,
New Media and Feminism  *

*June 18-20, 2015 Dublin*

*Deadline for Abstracts: October 1, 2014. Applicants will be notified of
acceptance by Jan 31, 2015.  **Please submit all proposals to:

(First you'll need to set up an EasyChair account. Then follow the simple
onscreen instructions).

Founded by a group of feminist media scholars and artists in 1989,
Console-ing Passions held its first official conference at the University
of Iowa in 1992. Since that time, Console-ing Passions has become the
leading international scholarly network for feminist research in
television, video, audio, and new media.

23 years after the group’s founding, we find ourselves in a dramatically
different media landscape, as well as a world in which the meanings of
feminism, postfeminism, and the intersections of feminism with race,
sexuality, and class are hotly contested in the academy, in the popular
press, and in contemporary media representations. Console-ing Passions 2015
asks, after decades of postfeminist retrenchment, is feminism due for a

CP23 seeks to bring together papers, panels, screenings, and workshops that
investigate both feminism and media studies at a crossroads. We are
particularly interested in work that brings together two or more of
Console-ing Passions’ driving themes: gender, race and ethnicity,
nationality, sexuality, and class. The 2015 conference invites
pre-constituted panels and workshops, as well as individual papers that
consider the breadth of feminist concerns related to television, digital,
video, audio, and new media, as well as mobile and gaming technologies.
Pre-constituted panels and workshops are especially encouraged.

Possible topics include considerations of gender in relation to:

 *intersectional feminisms

*feminism in a “post-racial” moment

*“Rebooting Feminism:” what comes after postfeminism?

*feminism, the economy & austerity

*media production and industries
*media audiences and fans
*gaming and virtual worlds
*masculinities, trans identities, sexualities

*sex work and pornography

*neoliberalism and gender
*transmedia, theories of convergence and their critiques
*transnational cultural flows and “Ex-pat TV”
*social media and digital domains
*feminism and popular music
*feminism and the New Europe
*spiritual belief and practice and media
*feminism and the political right

*new feminist icons (Elizabeth Warren, Wendy Davis, Julia Gillard)
*campaigns for social justice

*stardom and celebrity

*affect and emotion studies


 *Pre-Constituted Panel Proposals:* Panel coordinators should submit a
200-word rationale for the panel as whole. For each contributor, please
submit a 250-word abstract, a short bio, and contact information. Panels
that include a diversity of panelist affiliations and experience levels
are strongly encouraged. Panels should include 3-4 papers.

 *Individual Papers:* Individuals submitting paper proposals should provide
an abstract of 250 words, a short bio, and contact information.

 *Workshop Proposals:* We seek workshop ideas that focus on scholarly issues
in the field and matters of professionalization. Topics might include:
media activism; mentoring; the job market; digital networking; workplace
politics; teaching; tenure and promotion; publishing; etc. Prospective
should submit a 350-word rationale (including some discussion of why the
topic lends itself to a workshop format), a short bio, and contact
information. For each proposed workshop participant, please submit a title,
bio, and contact information. Workshops are intended to encourage
discussion; contributors will deliver a series of brief, informal

Please visit our website for information about
schedules, travel information, and more.

Please direct all questions about the conference and the submission process
to: [log in to unmask]

Follow us on twitter: @CPDublin2015

Find us on Facebook:
Check out our amazing city center conference venue, The Marker Hotel:

Conference Organizers: Maeve Connolly, Kylie Jarrett, Jorie Lagerwey, Diane
Negra, Maria Pramaggiore, Emma Radley, and Stephanie Rains

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