P-T Positions - London, UK
Fri, 26 Mar 1999 12:28:30 +0000
MIDDLESEX UNIVERSITY (London, UK). The Visual Culture and Media Academic
Group is creating a pool of part-time lecturers to teach on a variety of
courses at undergraduate level for the next academic year.
Areas of particular interest: art/design history, fashion and dress,
surrealism, cultural theory, third cinema, digital culture, experimental
film, queer cinema, film form and spectatorship, film history as well as a
number of other related areas.
There will be additional opportunities for part-time lecturers to design
and teach their own courses-especially courses that relate theories of
art/design/film to practice.
Qualifications: Experience in teaching undergraduates at H.E. level.
Salary is competitive.
Applications must include: 1). letter briefly indicating areas of expertise
and experience as well as availability; 2). curriculum vitae; and 3). names
of two references.
Address applications to: Susan Rawlings, Administrator, Visual Culture and
Media, Middlesex University, Cat Hill Campus, London EN4 8HT.
Queries: [log in to unmask] or +44-(0)171-362-5078.
Application deadline: 19 May, 1999 or until filled.
Visual Culture and Media offers degrees in a number of related programmes
from within the School of Art, Design and Performing Arts, including BA
Joint Honours subjects in Art and Design History and Film Studies; BA
History and Theory of Media, Art and Design; and the BA Film Studies.
Dan Harries
Head, Visual Culture and Media,
Middlesex University,
Cat Hill Campus,
London EN4 8HT UK
<[log in to unmask]>
t: +44-(0)181-362-6695
f: +44-(0)181-362-6339
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