Re: Kantian [etc.] aesthetics
Tue, 15 May 2001 20:15:57 +1000
Louie, I support Timothy Shary's recommendation of Father Copleston's
analysis of Kantian aesthetics in 'A History of Philosophy', Vol. VI,
Chapter 15. Coppleston is also good, hardly by coincidence, and albeit
briefly, on Schopenhauer's aesthetics apropos his philosophical system,
in Vol. VII, Chapter 14, of the same work. (I value his sentence:
'Hence [Schopenhauer] provides the material, as it were, for the
substitution of the idea of Life as the central idea in philosophy for
that of Thought.'. Very film-related, it seems to me, not to speak of
truth-related [that's not contentious, is it?], and an anticipation of
Freud and Bergson, among others.) Copleston and Bryan Magee (Wagner and
Schopenhauer authority) are very good together in Magee's book, 'The
Great Philosophers: An Introduction to Western Philosophy' (BBC Books,
1987), which also contains the useful section in which Magee and
Geoffrey Warnock discuss Kant. Maybe worth a dip.
- Ken Mogg.
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