Film & History meeting is in November, but deadline for program participants ...
Sat, 25 Sep 2004 17:50:51 EDT
_Click here: Welcome to Film & History_ (
The deadline for presentations at the Film & History conference on
"War in Film, TV, and History" is fast approaching. Indeed, the last
moment is Thursday of next week (30 September).
Papers, screening, and talks are invited for some thirty areas of interest,
all posted on the web site above.
Naturally, people interested in an immersion into film and culture studies
are always welcomed, although rooms are running low. Some of started
our film studies activities with such an event. Seeing others share their
research and teaching insights always inspires those ready for the light.
Finally, there will be a plenary session on Michael Moore's "Fahrenheit
9/11." Contact Gary Edgerton to get a place in the long line of
who will be restricted to five to ten minutes, but whose names will be in the
program for this open mike event ([log in to unmask]
(mailto:[log in to unmask]) ).
Full details at the web site or contact me.
Peter Rollins, Host
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